Terraform, an infrastructure-as-code tool, provides several built-in functions for performing various mathematical operations. These functions are handy for manipulating numerical values within your Terraform code. Here are some of the common math functions available in Terraform.
max : returns the maximum value among the given set of numbers, refer ... to expand the collection to individual argument.
variable "list_of_numbers" { type = list(number) default = [90, 20, 30, 40, 50] } # below output is working output "max_number" { value = max(var.list_of_numbers ...)
ceil: returns next integer value to the given number.
variable "number" { type = number default = 1.2 # returns 2 } output "ceil_value" { value = "Given value is ${var.number} and ceil value is ${ceil(1.5)}"
floor: The floor function returns integer value less than or equal to a given number.
variable "fnumber" { type = number default = 5.89 # returns 5 } output "floor_number" { value = "Given value is ${var.fnumber} and floor value is ${floor(var.fnumber)}" }
signum(): Returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on the sign of the given number (-1 for negative, 0 for zero, and 1 for positive).
signum(-5) # Returns -1
5. date time function - though not a math function, thought of adding here for reference.
print date and time
output "date_and_time" {
value = formatdate("EEE, DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss", timeadd(timestamp(), "5.30h"))
# returns Wed, 21-02-2024 20:46:35